4 Situations that Require a Competent Family Law Solicitor

Posted on: 24 July 2020

Every family in the modern world is facing unique challenges that demand systematic resolution strategies. When a sensitive situation affecting children and a couple arises, it becomes complex, especially if the parties involved are facing horrendous disagreements. That is why law devotes an entire branch, family law, to help in solving millions of family cases across the world.  If you are facing critical family problems, the best decision is to hire a professional who will provide the most suitable legal assistance.
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Divorce and Separation: How to Avoid Costly Mistakes

Posted on: 17 October 2019

The process of divorce can be complicated in terms of legal issues. Moreover, a lot of pent-up emotions tend to come up during this type of trying period. As a result, it is not uncommon to make a mistake during the divorce proceedings. Seemingly small mistakes can cause a lot of complications and problems on aspects like poor property settlement. Also, there might be negative effects on child custody agreements and parenting orders.
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Marrying Someone New after Undergoing Divorce: What Are the Legal Considerations?

Posted on: 20 November 2018

After undergoing a lengthy and emotional divorce, you may have temporarily lost hope in finding a long-term partner. However, someone new may sweep into your life and all of a sudden you find yourself in a serious relationship. Making the decision to remarry is often challenging. You may be worried about what your kids will think, how your former spouse will take the news, and how marrying will affect legal aspects of your life moving forward.
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When Your Former Partner Does Not Follow a Parenting Order

Posted on: 14 August 2018

When a marriage or common-law relationship comes to an end and there are children involved, a parenting order might have been issued by the Family Court. The parenting order generally covers which parent the child will primarily live with, as well as the visitation allowances of the other parent (including the frequency and duration of visitation). But what can you do if your former partner violates the parenting order? And what are some instances where you might it feel it's necessary to violate the parenting order yourself?
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